How hard is it to give my baby up?

If you are pregnant, get the facts on all your options.

If you’re pregnant and you weren’t expecting to be, you know there are a lot of questions. You’ve probably been trying to figure out what to do, how and if you should tell anyone, and where to go for help.

One of the worst things you can do right now is to rush into a decision. We encourage you to take time to process through all of your options. You must choose the best option for you and your baby.  Legally no one else can force their decision on you.

We’re here to help clarify your options. We’d be happy to meet with you in a confidential appointment. When you come for your scheduled appointment we will discuss all options available to you.

Adoption as an option

We’re not here to pressure you into an adoption decision, but we can give you help in the fact-finding process. You can work with one of our trained staff or volunteers to discuss the realities involved in both adoption and parenting. We do not facilitate adoption, but we can provide a list of adoption agencies that can.

Adoption Facts You Should Know:

  • Researching adoption as an option does not commit you to choosing adoption. The final decision about adoption is not made until after your baby is born.
  • Adoption has changed a lot in the past 20 years. You can decide if you’d like a closed, open, or semi-open adoption plans.
  • Adoption is a parenting decision that focuses on the needs of your child.
  • Adoption is a courageous decision that’s often made by women who first thought abortion was their only way out.
  • Adoption is a legal transaction. Rules are different from state to state. That’s why we recommend you use an adoption specialist. They’re uniquely equipped to help you navigate the process successfully.
  • Making an adoption plan involves very strong emotions. An adoption specialist will be able to provide good counsel and ongoing support both during and after your pregnancy.

If you’d like to explore adoption, just call to make an appointment, (847) 731-8370

Family Resource Center of Zion does not offer abortion services or abortion referrals.

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