Am I Pregnant?
Are you experiencing early pregnancy symptoms and wondering if you might be pregnant?
Common Pregnancy Symptoms
- Late period
- Tender or swollen breasts
- Frequent urination
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fatigue
- Lightheadedness or fainting
- Backaches
- Food cravings or aversions
- Darkening of the nipplesFamily Resource Center (FRC) provides you with a no cost, lab-certified pregnancy test. You will have the results during your appointment.
Call: 847-731-8360 or Text: 224-300-0860 us today to schedule a confidential appointment.
I Think I’m Pregnant…
Experiencing early pregnancy symptoms? The Family Resource Center offers free, pregnancy verification. Our medical-grade tests quickly detect hCG, a hormone present soon after fertilization.
Home pregnancy tests are generally accurate but can sometimes give incorrect results. Factors like testing too early or not following instructions can affect accuracy. Carefully read and follow instructions for the best results. If you’re unsure, FRC is here for you.
Call: 847-731-8360 or Text: 224-300-0860 us today to schedule a confidential appointment.
Following a positive pregnancy test at our center, the next step is to confirm the pregnancy with an ultrasound, at no cost to you. This additional step allows you to be sure you are pregnant. The ultrasound also provides crucial information that will help you make an informed decision regarding your pregnancy.”
Call: 847-731-8360 or Text: 224-300-0860 us today to schedule a confidential appointment.
Why do I need an ultrasound?
Ultrasounds provide critical information about your pregnancy. They identify details you will need to inform you of your options.
How Does an Ultrasound Work?
During an ultrasound, the sonographer applies gel to your abdomen. They then use a small wand called a transducer, which emits high-frequency sound waves. These sound waves create an image that is displayed on a screen. This is called an abdominal ultrasound, but you may receive another form of ultrasound called a transvaginal ultrasound.
What Do Ultrasounds Reveal?
Ultrasounds examine vital details about your pregnancy, including:
LOCATION – If your pregnancy cannot be detected in the uterus you could have an ectopic pregnancy.
In this instance, you would be advised to seek immediate medical attention. The FDA specifically says the abortion pill “will not be effective to terminate an ectopic pregnancy.”GESTATIONAL AGE – This is determined by measuring the dimensions of the pregnancy. This information is important no matter what you are considering. For example, the abortion pill can be dangerous to you if your pregnancy is farther along than you may think. The FDA approves the abortion pill up to 70 days (10 weeks). Abortion pill risks such as uterine rupture increase the farther along you are in your pregnancy. The ultrasound provides you with an accurate gestational age so you can make the best decision for you.
VIABILITY Up to 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. In this case, you would be advised to follow up with your physician, and you would avoid an unnecessary abortion procedure.
What Type of Ultrasound Does Family Resource Center (FRC) Provide?
FRC provides abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds. These ultrasounds are provided after a positive pregnancy test result at our center. Schedule your no-cost ultrasound appointment today. Our medical professionals will Educate, Empower & Encourage as you make the best decision for you.
Call: 847-731-8360 or Text: 224-300-0860 us today to schedule a confidential appointment.