Parenting can be hard, but you don’t have to go it alone. We offer free parenting classes for parents with children ages 2 – 12.
Some of the topics included are:
- Testing and Manipulation
- Building Self Esteem
- Your Child’s Personality
- Setting Limits with Love
- 1-2-3 Magic
- Toilet Training
- Money Management
- Basics of Budgeting
- Saving for the Future
- How to Really Love Your Child
- Apartment Renting 101
- Roommates – Conflict Resolution
- Using a Recipe
- And many more.
All classes are free and confidential.
Earn While You Learn (EWYL)
Is a program that helps to answer many questions about pregnancy and parenting. Both mom and dad can take part in learning how to raise a healthy, happy child by completing lessons that are fun, interesting and practical.
While learning, through regular lessons that include videos and worksheets, the parents can earn “Baby Bucks” to purchase things they’re baby will need from our Baby Boutique. There are a number of topics to choose from and a parenting instructor will put together a lesson plan that is unique to your needs. Your parenting instructor will help you better understand the challenges and joys that await you and your baby.
Some topics that could be covered:
The First Trimester Prenatal Care
Smoking Toilet Training
Bonding with your baby A Look at Adoption
Caring for yourself Teaching the Bible
Car Seat Safety Postpartum
How to clean your home Time management
Fetal Alcohol Exposure Insurance Needs
You can be a great parent!
Stop in and talk or give us a call if you would like to be part of this program. 847-731-8370